Books about growing up


Showing 35 products

Kids about intimate things
Юлія Ярмоленко

This book is about very important things - the organs that we cover with linen. Not because they are ugly or embarrassing, but because we treat them very respectfully and delicately. They are called genitals or genitals. These bodies need...

48,00 zł
Чарівна книжка про какашки
Ганна Булгакова

Little Olenka is very similar to her peers. The girl is just learning to go to the toilet, but she doesn't always get out; she is sometimes ashamed to poop and dreams of never doing it ... And she also...

57,00 zł55,00 zł
Енциклопедія статевого життя. 4-6 років
Ізабель Фужер

The first book of the encyclopedia of sexual life for the youngest inquirers was created by the world-famous author of children's books. Illustrations and explanations of them contribute to children's objective perception of the physiological characteristics of women and men...

39,00 zł
Енциклопедія статевого життя. 7-9 років
Жаклін Кан-Натан | Жан Коен | Крістіан Верду

The second book of the encyclopedia was created by gynecologists, prominent specialists and scientists who are extremely responsible for maintaining the health of the younger generation. Illustrations and explanations of them contribute to children's objective perception of the physiological characteristics...

42,00 zł
As I grow older. A guide for guys

Growing up is cool! But at the same time, it's a little exciting and even scary... How will all this happen? What to expect? Will it be possible to cope with everything? Don't worry! The best thing you can do...

69,00 zł
Не в капусті й не лелека
Анна Герцог

Oscar and Mia will soon have a brother or sister. And it's terribly interesting! How does a baby end up in a mother's tummy? Does food fall on his head when his mother eats dinner? How are boys different from...

42,00 zł
As I grow older. A guide for girls

Growing up is cool! But at the same time, it's a little exciting and even scary... How will all this happen? What to expect? Will it be possible to cope with everything? Don't worry! The best thing you can do...

62,00 zł60,00 zł
Without delusions about the first period
Юлія Ярмоленко

Menstruation is normal! A natural process in which there is nothing terrible, magical or extraordinary. If, of course, you know what should happen and how to make sure that the first menstruation passes without unpleasant surprises.  How to understand that...

71,00 zł68,00 zł
Цікавинки про дорослішання. Як у Крокодильчика випав зуб
Елісенда Кастелльс | Френк Ендерсбі

Does your baby have a loose baby tooth and is he scared? Is the baby afraid of water? Is it difficult to go to bed? A series of books "Interesting facts about growing up" will help you cope with these...

18,00 zł
All about your body
Пауліна Ауд

Our body, feeling, emotion, relationship... The human world is actually great. For children, he is still mysterious, but is interesting. The drawings recognize their body for the first time in love with them a pleasant sense. And everything is very...

50,00 zł
Children about intimate things

This book talks about very important things - the organs that we cover with underwear. Not because they are ugly or shy, but because we treat them very respectfully and delicately. They are called sexual organs, or genitalia. In boys...

62,00 zł55,00 zł
yak oranhutanchyk ne xotiv spaty cikavynky pro doroslishannya
Елісенда Кастелльс | Френк Ендерсбі

Does your baby have a loose baby tooth and is he scared? Is the baby afraid of water? Is it difficult to go to bed? A series of books "Interesting facts about growing up" will help you cope with these...

18,00 zł
Yes and no. Feeling
Пауліна Ауд

Our body, feeling, emotion, relationship... The human world is actually great. For children, he is still mysterious, but is interesting. Drawings recognize their body for the first time in love, they have a pleasant sense. And everything is very natural....

50,00 zł
A book that will finally explain everything to you about parents
Франсуаза Буше

This is probably the funniest book about parent-child relationships. It consists of answers to very important questions - "How did you meet your parents?", "Why do your parents try to put you to bed as early as possible?", "What determines...

52,00 zł44,00 zł
Цікавинки про дорослішання. Як Слоник боявся води
Елісенда Кастелльс | Френк Ендерсбі

Does your baby have a loose baby tooth and is he scared? Is the baby afraid of water? Is it difficult to go to bed? A series of books "Interesting facts about growing up" will help you cope with these...

18,00 zł14,00 zł
Where do children come from?
Пауліна Ауд

The final book of the Intimate Children series will help parents answer the most popular children's question, "Mamo, where I took?" "Where children are taken?" simple words describe how the fertilization process occurs, as the baby grows in the abdomen...

51,00 zł
Genius genes
Патрік А. Боерле , Норберт Ланда

How to explain the child what is body cell structure? How does our body protect against viruses? And why children are like their parents? Good news for parents: All this and many other children will be able to read in...

19,00 zł
Goats from the nose and other fossils in me

The series "To children about intimacy" tirelessly proves that with children it is important to talk without shame about all the processes that take place in their bodies. And the appearance of snot and goats in the nose is no...

48,00 zł
A book that will finally tell you everything about love
Франсуаза Буше

Welcome to the joyful and magical world of love!  In this world, everything blossoms and inspires, surprises and makes the heart jump. However, sometimes love is not in a hurry... besides, you can't buy it in a store, and for...

52,00 zł44,00 zł
Children about intimate things (English)
Юлія Ярмоленко

This book talks about very important things - organs that we cover with underwear. Not because they are ugly or shy, but because we treat them very respectfully and delicately. They are called sexual organs or genitalia. These organs require...

48,00 zł
Обережно: хлопці!
Євгенія Житник | Наталія Зотова

What to do when changes occur with body and soul? When there are many questions that you are ashamed to ask your parents, and in your head instead of formulas fly the fluids of love? How not to do nonsense,...

73,00 zł
Psychology for girls
Євгенія Житник | Наталія Зотова

How to understand the environment and yourself in it? What type of character and temperament do you and your friends have? How to become an interesting interlocutor and communicate freely and effortlessly? Can you learn to be a good friend...

71,00 zł
My family, your family
Пауліна Ауд

Our body, feeling, emotion, relationship... The human world is actually great. For children, he is still mysterious, but is interesting. Drawings recognize their body for the first time in love, they have a pleasant sense. And everything is very natural....

51,00 zł28,00 zł
No reading! (Almost) a secret guide
Ілона Айнвольт

This book is about teenagers. More precisely, about what happens to the body when it "grows in all directions", about the new sensations that arise during puberty, about the force of new questions, thoughts and problems. And about that -...

94,00 zł

Books about growing up

The literature presented in this category of our online store is aimed at helping a child better understand himself as he grows up. Many years ago, topics related to puberty were taboo. This gave rise to many negative consequences, starting with the fact that a significant number of girls simply did not know what menstruation was, and their first experience became a painful stress, accompanied by thoughts: "Something is wrong with me."

The same applies to myths that children are found in cabbage or brought by a stork. Until a certain age, children believed these fairy tales, and when they were confronted with the truth, it shocked them and formed the opinion that there is something bad in intimate life, if it is not possible to talk about it and explain the truth in response to such an urgent question "where do children come from?"

Books about growing up are in trend

Today, the culture and information awareness of society is higher, which helps to explain to children the answers to such questions without vain myths and positioning the intimate sphere as something abnormal. And quality literature for teenagers, which helps in this direction, often becomes the assistant to choose the right words, with which parents can simply communicate with their children about difficult things.

In this category of literature, our online store does not only have puberty books for children. For example, the book "How to hug a cactus?" aimed at parents. It is about properly supporting your teenage children, building a bridge of mutual understanding with them and becoming the support that will help them confidently and with minimal stress to pass this important stage of psychological and personal development.

You will see many books for both boys and girls. The variety of the assortment will help you choose exactly what you need. The "Magic Book of Cossacks" is of particular interest among parents, as it is loved by children. Despite the fact that some people are ashamed of such a name, psychologists say that the topic of defecation is of great interest to young children, since it is the first process that they can control on their own when they start using the potty. Therefore, this topic is directly related to the issue of growing up when it comes to the smallest.

Interesting content and quality design

When we form the assortment of our store, we try to fill it with such books that meet the following parameters:

  • Content and ability to really serve your useful information.
  • Aesthetic design, thanks to which the book is pleasant to hold.
  • Reasonable prices that make buying books profitable for you.
  • A large assortment, which applies not only to literature about growing up, but also books from other categories.

We also have a delivery loyalty program. If you order books from 80 euros, you get free delivery. All the presented books are in our warehouse in Germany, and the processing of the order and the dispatch of your package is done as quickly as possible.

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