We study foreign languages


Showing 95 products

"German Language in 4 Weeks. Intensive German Language Course with Electronic Audio Supplement. Level 1"
Хільде Рауш-Дияс | Волскі Пшемислав | Михайло Смолій

The intensive German language course proposed in the guide will interest not only those who are starting to learn it, but also those who need to quickly and effectively recall German vocabulary and review grammar.An audio appendix with recordings of...

47,00 zł37,00 zł
Flashcard. German Language. Grade 1-2. (Double-sided 20*15 cm)

The hint card contains the basic rules, definitions and schemes of the German language. It will become an indispensable assistant for students of grades 1-2 during lessons and at home.

4,00 zł
Leichtes Deutsсh. Дітям 4-9 років, що вивчають німецьку
Василій Федієнко

In our time, knowledge of the German language is no longer a whim or a hobby, but often a necessity. And it is essential to lay the groundwork for future language proficiency as early as possible, utilizing the enormous ability...

25,00 zł
German in 4 Weeks. Intensive German Language Course with Electronic Audio Supplement. Level 2
Нич Кшиштоф

The guide is a continuation of the previous edition "German in 4 Weeks." The proposed intensive German language course will interest not only those who are starting to learn it but also those who need to quickly and effectively recall...

47,00 zł41,00 zł
My First German Words. Illustrated Thematic Dictionary for Children Aged 4-7 Years
Надія Вітушинська

The manual provides a thematic illustrated dictionary with communicatively oriented exercises. The publication will help teach children to correctly name and describe objects in German, as well as to communicate in German at an elementary level.Recommended for use in preschool...

22,00 zł
Children learn German. For children aged 3-6 years.
Ігор Грицюк

The guide contains German words and conversational structures. The material is selected according to topics that provide children with basic information about the surrounding world. The use of illustrations and game elements helps to increase motivation and encourages easy and...

22,00 zł
German-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-German Dictionary (pocket format)
Коменда Барбара | Дорота Місек | Камінська Евеліна |...

The dictionary contains about 60,000 words and phrases. The words in this dictionary are commonly used, and the phrases are those that occur in everyday spoken language. You can also find professional expressions here. Using the words is extremely easy...

84,00 zł
German-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-German Dictionary-Reference. Grades 2-4
Матієв Роман

The dictionary contains over 11,000 words and phrases in German and Ukrainian. At the end of the dictionary, there are expressions for school use and interesting exercises that provide the opportunity to deepen one's knowledge while working with the dictionary....

20,00 zł
Робочий зошит Arbeitsheft. 1. Stufe. Deutsch mit Spass
Олена Бєлозьорова

The publication (author Bielozirova O. M.) is a collection of exercises for mastering and practicing the letters, elementary vocabulary, and grammar of the German language. The themes of the manual correspond to the current program for foreign languages, so it...

15,00 zł
Прописи ABC-Schreibheft. 1. Stufe. Deutsch mit Spass
Олена Бєлозьорова

The worksheets will help younger students learn to write both printed and cursive letters of the German alphabet, acquire the necessary basic vocabulary, and also practice correctly pronouncing foreign sounds with the help of accompanying tongue twisters. The manual contains...

15,00 zł
German for Children: Illustrated Dictionary
Ганна Калайда

The book will be useful for little ones who are starting to learn a foreign language. Each concept is accompanied by an illustration, so the child will be able to easily remember the new word or phrase.The visual dictionary contains...

22,00 zł19,00 zł
nimecka mova 1 2 klasy zoshyt shablon
Т.М. Матвієнко

The template notebook for the German language is intended for the first and second years of study in general secondary education institutions. The notebook corresponds to the typical educational programs of the New Ukrainian School, approved by the Ministry of...

15,00 zł
nimecko ukrayinskyj ukrayinsko nimeckyj slovnyk
Л. Горбач

The dictionary contains about 6000 words and expressions that form the lexical basis for learning the German language. It is intended for elementary school students. The dictionary will be useful both when completing tasks from the German language textbook and...

16,00 zł14,00 zł
"English in 4 Weeks. Intensive English Course with Electronic Audio Supplement"
Малгожата Глоговська |

The intensive English course offered in the manual will interest not only those who are just starting to learn it, but also those who have a need to quickly and effectively memorize English vocabulary and repeat grammar.An audio appendix with...

54,00 zł
nimecka mova 5 klas zoshyt z leksychnymy vpravamy
С.М. Корінь

The notebook contains lexical material on the topics provided by the foreign language program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as various and interesting tasks for practicing what has been learned. It is intended...

14,00 zł11,00 zł
Cardboard Hint English Language 1st Grade

The hint card contains: the main rules, definitions, and diagrams in English that need to be memorized and learned. It will be an indispensable assistant for elementary school students during lessons at school and at home.

4,00 zł
German grammar (small format)
Ольга Розовик

This guide will help you master the basic grammatical rules of the German language necessary for practical proficiency. It covers parts of speech, grammatical tenses, and the main forms of commonly used strong and irregular verbs that pose certain difficulties....

28,00 zł23,00 zł
Словник Witziges Vokabelheft. 1. Stufe. Deutsch mit Spass
Олена Бєлозьорова

"Witty Vocabulary Notebook" is an additional resource for younger students. It provides lexical-thematic material in accordance with the foreign language curriculum, contains training exercises for practicing and consolidating it, after which there are separate pages for writing down new words...

13,00 zł10,00 zł
Grammar of the German Language in Tables and Diagrams
19,00 zł
Practical Grammar of the German Language

The guide contains concisely presented basic rules of German grammar in German and Ukrainian. Each section includes sets of communicative exercises and tasks aimed at mastering grammatical forms and structures. It is recommended for students of foreign language faculties and...

78,00 zł
Easy English (for little ones learning English)
Василь Федієнко, Тетяна Жирова

The aim of this guide is to introduce the child to the first English words and fixed expressions in an accessible and engaging way. The guide includes topics for the development of the child's spoken language who is starting to...

25,00 zł
Vocabulary flashcards, entry level. German A1

German A1, beginner - a set of cards for those who are starting to learn German. A great gift and motivation for children, friends and loved ones. This set contains 631 German words and 599 examples of their use. Each...

92,00 zł
Cardboard Hint. English Language. Grades 5-11

The hint card contains: basic rules, definitions, and diagrams in English. It will be an indispensable assistant for students in grades 5-11 during lessons and at home.

6,00 zł
nimecka mova 6 klas zoshyt z leksychnymy vpravamy
С.М. Корінь

The notebook contains lexical material on the topics provided by the foreign language program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as various and interesting tasks for practicing what has been learned. It is intended...

14,00 zł11,00 zł

We study foreign languages

Why read children's books in English or German

Reading is a wonderful way to improve a child's proficiency in a foreign language. English books for children are available in a huge variety. These include various grammar guides, simple short stories, and exercise workbooks.

If you need children's books in English from fiction, you can focus on simple works written in accessible language, with an easy structure, interesting content, and an engaging plot.

How to choose?

If you are looking for literature to learn a foreign language, you should approach the selection of educational materials seriously. A children's book in English should contain both theoretical and practical parts.

It is also necessary to consider the age characteristics of the child. Children under the age of 5 cannot hold attention for long, love to look at bright pictures, and do not like to look at pages with a lot of text. It is difficult to make little ones read independently, not to mention educational literature. Usually, parents read German children's books.

"If this is a work of fiction, it should contain memorable imagery, simple vocabulary and grammar, as well as convey important life lessons."

When choosing books for children to learn German, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Relevance. Language is a living organism. Common words, phrases, and grammatical rules can change. The best option may be a modern or reissued book in German for children, rather than just "old classics."
  2. Comprehensive approach. The textbook should develop both written and oral skills. The task of any guide is to provide the child with the broadest possible knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing, and listening.
  3. Focus on grammar. The textbook should highlight the rules of grammar, and it is important to ensure that they are repeated in the exercise workbook in a consolidated table. This is extremely important because the more connections a child has with a specific grammatical topic in different aspects, the higher the chances that they will quickly and successfully master it.

A German book for children should be appropriate for the child's age. If we are talking about young readers (aged 2-5 years), it should be a book with bright pictures, large enough to point to the word and show the picture, so that the child can guess what the book is about without translation.

Where to buy

"You can buy children's books in German or English at the store 'Kazka.de'. We are located all over the world, and we have clients from various corners of the globe, including America, China, Italy, Spain, and Sweden."

"We strive to ensure that every child can develop intellectually and read interesting books. We aim for the learning process to be as easy and relaxed as possible."

"We have many clients from Ukraine, so we offer literature in their native language. If a family has moved to Germany and is now doing everything possible to speak a foreign language, then a children's book in German will help them master it better and simplify the learning process."

The assortment includes:

  • "Explanatory Dictionary";
  • "English to School. Let’s travel!"
  • "ABC Writing Workbook. Level 1. German with Fun".

"We hope that these textbooks will help you immerse yourself in a foreign environment more quickly, learn the basic rules of grammar, and acquire a few hundred words in your vocabulary. Next, an artistic German children's book may come in handy to help develop reading skills."

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